

Bunch of Fruit Header Image



Fruit Panel Image

For $20 (Canadian) per year, what BCFTA can do for you:

  • Network with other fruit growing enthusiasts willing to help you;
  • Four issues of our Cider Press newsletter;  it's full of interesting articles written by members like you;
  • Tours of fruit growing locations in our area;
  • Fall fruit shows, where we feature over 200 varieties of apples, plus many other fruit like Quince, Medlar, plums, grapes, pears, nuts, etc.
  • Help with native bees
  • An incredible lending library on fruit growing, plus disease identification & control;
  • Special seasonal demonstrations on pruning, grafting, and orchard maintenance;
  • A 'members only' spring event where we feature grafting demonstrations, fruit trees sales, scionwood sales, rootstock sales, orchard supplies sales – all at prices that benefit the member;
  • Access to a wide selection of difficult to get varieties;
  • A chance to "custom grow" your own trees, by providing members with the opportunity to order specialty rootstock & scionwood, plus opportunities to learn and 'do it yourself';
  • A taste evaluation of apple varieties, and apple products.


Here's How:

By Mail

Simply print our New Member's Form, fill it out, and attach your $20 annual membership fee. Canadian or U.S., cheques/checks or money orders are fine; they must be made out to the BC Fruit Testers Association. Then mail it to us at the following address.

    Membership Services
    BC Fruit Testers Association
    PO Box 48123, 3575 Douglas Street
    Victoria, BC, Canada
    V8Z 7H5

By Email & E-Transfer

An e-transfer can be sent to: Treasurer@bcfta.ca and email the New Member's form to join@bcfta.ca.
We do not yet accept credit card payments; we're working on it.



Also, IF you are interested in volunteering some of your time to the group (we are an all volunteer association), that would be welcomed. While volunteering is not for everyone, it is a great way to add value to your membership: you learn from others by working with them.

  • Researching & writing on fruit growing matters,
  • helping to organize events, and
  • participating on our various project teams are just a few of the opportunities that we offer to members.  

So if you'd like to help out and have the time, please let us know on the New Member's Form.  

If you also tell us what your interests are, we'll try to match them up.


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